The meeting of Ceija Stojka with Karin Berger in 1986 marks the beginning of the production of a variety of works about Ceija Stojka's artwork and historical testimony. One of the purposes of Ceija Stojka International Fund is to share and facilitate the research on Ceija Stojka and her work. Below is an in-progress selection of exhibition catalogs, documentary films, academic publications, scholarly articles, television and radio shows, and cultural and general press articles.
The webpage is meant to be a place to present, to archive, and to reflect all the results of scientific, curatorial, and journalistic approaches and the reception of Ceija Stojka’s works in the past, present, and future. Therefore, we ask all visitors and readers of the webpage to make us aware of any lectures, essays, and reviews missing from our online-archive.
Ceija Stojka International Association manages the license for use of a selection of photographs of Ceija Stojka art work on behalf of the Stojka family. More here.
High school book, Hachette Editions, “History, Geography, Geopolitics and Political Sciences” (France, 17-18 years).
High school book, Belin Edition,“History, Geography, Geopolitics and Political Sciences” (France, 17-18 years).
BPB, Bundesverlag für politische Bildung/ Federal Agency for Civic Education, „Kritische Auseinandersetzung mit Antiziganismus“,
High school book, Editions OEBV, Querdenken, Mittelschule, Geschichte und Sozialkunde/Politische Bildung, 4th grade (Austria, 14 years), 2019.
Parole d'artistes, Ceija Stojka, Fages Edition, Lyon, 2017; re-edition in english/swedish, 2021.
Live—Dance—Paint: Ceija Stojka’s Life & Art. Introduction by Lorely French, Stowe, Vt: West Branch Gallery and Sculpture Park, 2009.
Ceija Stojka: Sogar der Tod hat Angst vor Auschwitz. Hg. Lith Bahlmann / Matthias Reichelt, Verlag für moderne Kunst, Vienna, 2014.
Romane Thana: Orte der Roma und Sinti, Andrea Härle, Cornelia Kogoj, Werner Michael Schwarz, Michael Weese, Susanne Winkler, Czernin Verlag, Vienna, 2015.
Ceija Stojka, une artiste rom dans le siècle, Gerhard Baumgartner, Philippe Cyroulnik, Xavier Marchand, Patrick William, introduction by Antoine de Galbert, catalog on the occasion of the exhibition in the maison rouge, Éditions Fage, Lyon, 2018.
Ceija Stojka. Esto ha pasado. Texts by Paula Aisemberg, Noëlig Le Roux, Xavier Marchand, introduction by Manuel Borja-Villel. Texts by Gerhard Baumgartner, Philippe Cyroulnik, Edita Museo Reina Sofia, Madrid 2019, see online.
CeijaStojka, the Paper is Patient, Noëlig Le Roux, Irka Cederberg; catalog on the occasion of the exhibition in the Konsthall Malmö, Sweden, Paraguay Press, Paris, 2021.
Manifesta - Exhibition All That We Have in Common, Museum of Contemporary Art Skopje, 2023.
The Large Glass, special issue: Romani (in)visibility), MSU Skopje, 2023.
Roma Artist Ceija Stojka: What Should I Be Afraid Of?, going with the exhibition at the Austrian Culture Forum New York, 05-09/2023, Ed. S. Buhmann, L. French, S. Keppler-Schlesinger, C. Kurta, Hirmer Munich, 2023.
Unter den Brettern hellgrünes Gras (Under The Green Green Grass Beneath) von Karin Berger. Austria, 52 mn, Navigatorfilm, 2005. Subtitles: E, F, ES.
Mémoires tsiganes, l'autre génocide (The Forgotten Genocide, Europe's Gypsies in World War II) de I. Bloch et J. Jourdan. France, 75 mn, Kuiv Productions, Mémoire Magnétique Production, 2011.
Aware Women Artists, Ceija Stojka
Ich geb Dir einen Mantel....
Widerstehen im KZ. Österreichische Frauen erzählen, K. Berger, E. Holzinger, L. Podgornik, L. N. Trallori. Promedia, Wien, 1987.
Romane Gila, Lieder und Tänze der Roma in Österreich. Österreichische Dialektautoren und Institut für Volksmusikforschung, Wien, 1992.
Geboren bin ich vor Jahrtausenden…Bilderwelten in der Literatur der Roma und Sinti, Beate Eder-Jordan, Drava, Klagenfurt/Celovec 1993.
Image et langage dans les œuvres d'artistes roms contemporains, S. Aude, Études Tsiganes n°36, 2008.
An Austrian Roma Family Remembers: Trauma and Gender in Autobiographies by Ceija, Karl, and Mongo Stojka. German Studies Review 31.1 : 65-86, 2008.
LIVE-DANCE-PAINT-WRITE: A Multi-Media Project on Romani („Gypsy“) Artist, Writer, Singer, and Educator Ceija Stojka.“, Lorely French, Interface: The Journal of Education, Community, and Values 10.3, 2010, Web.
Image et langage dans les œuvres d'artistes roms contemporains, S. Aude, Études Tsiganes n°36, 2008.
Œuvres littéraires et artistiques des Tsiganes. Une critique interne est-elle possible ? Eder-Jordan, Beate. Etudes Tsiganes, vol. 43, no. 3, 2010.
31. Romanciers hongrois tsiganes de la vie ordinaire, C. Kovácsházy dans : C. Coquio, Roms, Tsiganes, Nomades. Un malentendu européen. Éd. Karthala 2014.
"'If we didn’t have this story, we would not have this day': Roma 'Gypsy' Stories as Sustenance in Difficult Life Stages.”, Lorely French, Pacific Coast Philology 49.1, Pennsylvania State University Press, 5-24, 2014.
Roma und Travellers. Identitäten im Wandel. Mit einem Vorwort von Karl-Markus Gauß. Erika Thurner / Elisabeth Hussl / Beate Eder-Jordan (Hrsg.), Innsbruck, 2015, Web.
Miroirs. Manuel pour combattre l’antitsiganisme par l’éducation aux droits de l’homme, Keen Ellie. Conseil de l'Europe, 2016.
Todesfabrik Auschwitz. Das Konzentrations und- Vernichtungslag-er Auschwitz 1940-1945, Gideon Greif, Peter Siebers. Emons Verlag, 2016.
Resilienz aus der Sicht der betroffenen Subjekte. Die autobiografische Perspektive, Rolf Georg Göppel, Margherita Zander. Beltz Juventa, 2017.
« Et nous, nous sommes les porteurs. » Ceija Stojka et la mémoire du génocide tsigane, S. Forero Mendoza. Ethnologie française n°172, 2018.
Corps et âme, P. 99 à 110 : Ceija Stojka. Une œuvre en lien avec le Soi, Fabienne Neuquelman-Denis. Cahiers jungiens de psychanalyse 2018/2 (N°148).
Romani Literature in Austria: An Overview, Lorely French, RomArchive, 2019. Web
Yaysis Ojeda Becerra, “Ceija Stojka, Esto ha pasado”, Instituto Cultura Gitana. In:, 2020.
Ebbrecht-Hartmann T, N Stiassny, and F Schmidt (2022) “The Auschwitz Tattoo in Visual Memory. Mapping Multilayered Relations of a Migrating Image”, Research in Film and History,
Sidonia Bauer, „Bildsprache(n) in Lyrik von Sinti und Roma“. In : Hagen (von), Kirsten/ ibid. (ÉDs.) : Aux frontières : Roma als Grenzgängerfiguren der Moderne. Munich: AVM edition, 119-140, 2020.
Sidonia Bauer, “Écrivaines samudaripiennes: les Lager de Stojka et Franz”. In: Hertrampf, Marina O./von Hagen, Kirsten (éds.): Romani Aesthetic(s) – self- and external representations. Munich: AVM edition, 205-236, 2020.
Lorely French, “Lessons from 75 Years Ago: Writer and Artist Ceija Stojka on the Liberation of Bergen-Belsen, the Typhus Epidemic, and Remembering Ravensbrück”. In: Oh, the humanities!, 2020.
Paul Bernard-Nouraud, L’œuvre de Ceija Stojka dans l’histoire de l’art, Mémoires en Jeu, 2019.
TRANS_BORDAR HORIZONTES_INSCRIÇOES TRAVESSIAS, Coleção PPGArtes-UERJ Arte e Cultura Contemporânea, Rodrigo Guéron Lilian do Valle, NEAU editoria, Brazil, 2022.
Christelle Taraud, Féminicides, une histoire mondiale, La Découverte, p. 611, 2022.
Approaches to "new" World Literature, edited by French, Lorely, Hertrampf, Marina Ortrud M., AVM München, 2023.
More Nights Than Days, Judit Kiss, Central European University Press, open access, 2023.
Invisible Atrocities: The Aesthetic Biases of International Criminal Justice, Randle De Falco, Cambridge University Press, 2022.
Arts plastiques : "Ces œuvres qui traduisent l’urgence d’une mémoire". La dispute, France, 7 mars 2018.
Ceija Stojka: tutto questo è accaduto, Osservatorio Outsider Art Sicilia, Autunno 2020.
‘All That We Have in Common’ Addresses the Absence of Roma Visual Culture, Frieze online, 01 23.
Kunstforum International, 03-04/2020, Web.
El Pais, Spain, 09.02.2020, Web.
Ceija Stojka, esto ha pasado. Yaysis Ojeda Becerra, Institute of Gypsy Culture of Spain, Madrid, 2020, Web.
Le paysage vu par une artiste rom déportée, Ceija Stojka. In: Mémoires en Jeu, N° 11, summer 2020, 106-108.
The New York Times, USA, 27.01.2020, Web.
Die Zeit, Germany, 27.01.2020, Web.
Contrainformacion, Spain, 24.01.2020, Web.
Artsy, USA, 17.01.2020, Web.
Sogar der Tod hat Angst.
Die Galerie Kai Dikhas zeigt Kunst von Sinti und Roma. Deutschland, 26.01. 2013.