Your donation helps us carry out our mission: to manage and run the Ceija Stojka International Association and generate global interest in Ceija Stojka's legacy.

Based on Ceija's life story and work, we develop educational programmes and publications. Our educational programmes and products are designed to encourage young people to reflect on social developments, then and now, with a focus on prejudice, discrimination, racism, and on hope and resilience in the work of the artist.


Bank transfer

If you prefer to transfer your donation directly into our bank account, please find our bank details below:

  • AT64 1500 0044 0106 5596 
  • Oberbank, Vienna
  • Austria

Beneficiary: Ceija Stojka International Association 'Donation CSIA'. In case it's for a special purpose, please it it to the tranfer information. Please include your name and email address details in the description.

If you have any questions, please contact us at 


Students, retired, unemployed at  at Euro 15,--

Annual regular individual memberships at Euro 25,--

Annual extraordinary & institutional memberships at Euro 250,-

As a member of the association you are invited to the annual general assembly with voting rights. Additionally, members will be regularly informed about activities of the association.

Your membership helps to support costs for communication and administration, exhibits, the website and small projects.

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